Yuri Calleo

Yuri Calleo

Founder, Doctoral student

I am a Doctoral student at the University College Dublin, Ireland, and a research member of the “Smart control of the climate resilience” (H2020 SCORE) EU project. Among my research interests, I am focusing on Spatial statistics and Social Statistics, with application to climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, adopting text-mining, deep learning, NLP, and ML techniques. Passionate about Foresight and future-oriented thinking, I am interested in the decision-making process, in particular, the Delphi-based scenarios and the experts' engagement. In 2022, I won the "NGFP Walkabout Prize", from the School of International Futures (SOIF), for the development of a new platform exploiting Real-Time Spatial Delphi, engaging experts for the construction of complex geographic scenarios. In my free time, I am committed to shaping the future starting with concrete actions in the present.

  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuricalleo/
  • yuri.calleo@ucdconnect.ie

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